
Docnet uses themes to produce output in a certain form. A theme is a folder within the Themes folder which contains a PageTemplate.htm file and a Destination folder which contains zero or more folders and files which have to be copied to the Destination folder specified in the docnet.json file.

Themes folder

Docnet expects the Themes folder to be located in the folder where the executable is started from. This means that if you build Docnet from source, you have to manually copy the Themes folder to the folder your binary is located. To make development easier, you could create a junction in the bin\debug or bin\release folder to the Themes folder in the source repository, using mklink on a windows command prompt.

Default theme

The default theme is called Default and is chosen if no theme has been specified in the docnet.json file. It is based on the theme from ReadTheDocs, and is created from the one shipped with MkDocs.


The PageTemplate.htm file is a simple HTML file, located in each theme folder, which is used as the template for all generated .htm files. You can place whatever you like in there, including references to css/js files, headers, footers etc. DocNet however expects a couple of markers which are replaced with the data created from the markdown files. These markers are described below. The markers have to be specified as-is.

  • {{Name}}. This is replaced with the value specified in Name in the docnet.json file.
  • {{Content}}. This is replaced with the HTML generated from the markdown file.
  • {{ToC}}. This is replaced with a <ul><li></li></ul> tree built from the names and structure given to pages in Pages.
  • {{TopicTitle}}. This is replaced with the title of the page, which is the value specified as name in the Pages tree.
  • {{Footer}}. This is replaced with the value specified in Footer in the docnet.json file.
  • {{Breadcrumbs}}. This is replaced with a / delimited list of names making up the bread crumbs representing the navigation through the ToC to reach the current page.
  • {{RelativeSourceFileName}}. This is replaced with the source file name relative to the root folder.
  • {{RelativeTargetFileName}}. This is replaced with the target file name relative to the output folder.
  • {{ExtraScript}}. This is replaced with extra script definitions / references required by some pages, like the search page. It's docnet specific and if this marker isn't present, search won't work.
  • {{Path}}. This is used to fill in the relative path to reach css/js files in hard-coded URLs in the PageTemplate file. This means that specifying a css URL in PageTemplate should look like:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{Path}}css/theme.css" type="text/css" />
    Docnet will then replace {{Path}} with e.g. '../../' to get to the css file from the location of the .htm file loaded.