Rules of benchmarking

Use the Release build without an attached debugger

Never use the Debug build for benchmarking. Never. The debug version of the target method can run 10–100 times slower. The release mode means that you should have <Optimize>true</Optimize> in your csproj file or use /optimize for csc. Also your never should use an attached debugger (e.g. Visual Studio or WinDbg) during the benchmarking. The best way is build our benchmark in the Release mode and run it with cmd.

Try different environments

Please, don't extrapolate your results. Or do it very carefully. I remind you again: the results in different environments may vary significantly. If a Foo1 method is faster than a Foo2 method for CLR4, .NET Framework 4.5, x64, RyuJIT, Windows, it means that the Foo1 method is faster than the Foo2 method for CLR4, .NET Framework 4.5, x64, RyuJIT, Windows and nothing else. And you can not say anything about methods performance for CLR 2 or .NET Framework 4.6 or LegacyJIT-x64 or x86 or Linux+Mono until you try it.

Avoid dead code elimination

You should also use the result of calculation. For example, if you run the following code:

void Foo()

then JIT can eliminate this code because the result of Math.Exp is not used. The better way is use it like this:

double Foo()
    return Math.Exp(1);

Minimize work with memory

If you don't measure efficiency of access to memory, efficiency of the CPU cache, efficiency of GC, you shouldn't create big arrays and you shouldn't allocate big amount of memory. For example, you want to measure performance of ConvertAll(x => 2 * x).ToList(). You can write code like this:

List<int> list = /* ??? */;
public List<int> ConvertAll()
    return list.ConvertAll(x => 2 * x).ToList();

In this case, you should create a small list like this:

List<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

If you create a big list (with millions of elements), then you will also measure efficiency of the CPU cache because you will have big amount of cache miss during the calculation.

Power settings and other applications

  • Turn off all of the applications except the benchmark process and the standard OS processes. If you run benchmark and work in the Visual Studio at the same time, it can negatively affect to benchmark results.
  • If you use laptop for benchmarking, keep it plugged in and use the maximum performance mode.